Actions make changes. Changes make lives flourish. In order to act, passion and courage, enormous amount, are required. This is some memo for those who are about to take an action, or are afraid to take one. Be To Have! You will know what I am talking about by reading my blog. Enjoy!
Mar 3, 2012
A Mindful Room to Spare
One of luxurious moments in my life is quite banal. I say that because I often create that moment, buying flowers for others. We are living a life with severe competitions, stressful and, yet, trivial matters. As one in a desert, trying to survive up against a severe environment. However, once in a blue moon, an oasis will appear to quench the thirst, and remind us the joy of life. Giving and receiving flowers are just like encountering an oasis in a desert. Flowers quench our thirsty mind, cure our wounded soul. Useless plant, a cheap trick for girls or a waste of money they might be, could bring overjoyed moment instantaneously. Of course, it is only a remedy for temporary. However, for buying flowers, something you ought to have, a state of mind: a mindful room to spare. Whoever lives their lives truthfully, you find them happy and content with their mindful rooms to spare with others. Moreover, these people are acting upon towards their goals and dreams, some might even have already fulfilled theirs. A secret to a success, is not to have more money or more time, but how much mindful rooms you have to spare. [KP]
Mar 2, 2012
いつも花を家に飾る母の影響なのか、私はよく人に花を買って差し上げる。実は、人に花を送るのが大好きなのだ。花より団子ということわざがあるように、私たちはしばしば殺伐した日々の生活に波押され、心の余裕をなくしてしまう。しかし、そんな毎日の厳しい現実から、一瞬心を潤ってくれるのが”花”!その意味で、私は密かに「贅沢」のメッセンジャーを勤めているのだ。花、一見腹ごしらえにも、のどの渇きにも、生計にも何にも役に立たない植物。しかし、花は私たちに生活と人生の贅沢を味合わせてくれる。心の余裕はお金に比例しない。心の余裕は外的な物質からは決して得られない。だから、(1)心の余裕を持つことにより(完全に自分次第)、(2)自分がやるべきこととやりたいことを実行し、(3)それゆえ自分の目標や夢を実現する。(1)がBE、(2)がTO、(3)が HAVE。逆ではないのだ、皆が口走るように。自分、もしくは大事にしている人々に、花を買ってあげてみてはいかが?『KP』
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