Apr 8, 2012

A trip

Planning a trip is something that I do well and often. I plan my trip "by-ear".  Arranging the tightest schedule with all the visits of touristic sights is not my ultimate goal, although I know some enjoys it. My trip is quite simple: just enjoy the place and the moment being at that place. For those who keep saying "I don't have time and money", try my 5 steps. It is easier than you have been imagined. Let's make it REAL!!!

Step 1: Declare your trip to all of your friends, family and co-workers (I did this one year in advance for my trip to Europe)
Step 2: Once you have enough money, just book a ticket for train or airplane! Save up whatever you can till the date.
Step 3: Book hotels for the first 2 days and last 2 days for your trip. Rest of days, take your chance. You might even get to know someones and stay at their places, who knows?
Step 4: Do not plan a trip more than 3 weeks. Less then 3 weeks seem so short, but longer than 3 weeks, you will feel tired and home sick.
Step 5: Expect unexpected